Wednesday May 7, 2025 9:10am - 9:50am EDT
The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a profound transformation, shifting from traditional batch processes to continuous manufacturing. This evolution is partly propelled by advances in Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and the foundational principles of Quality by Design (QbD). Transitioning to a SMART factory mode of operation, however, requires technological innovation, significant professional development, and the maturity of regulatory and management systems. The issue of data integrity breaches (BAD-I), with its historical implications and current prevalence, serves as a critical backdrop for understanding how to balance technological progress with the necessary professional and systemic maturity. This balance is essential to ensure the successful guidance of pharmaceutical manufacturing through this revolutionary phase. In this presentation, we will introduce a SMART framework designed to provide a common-sense foundation for navigating the complexities of pharmaceutical manufacturing’s evolution. This framework will offer ways to ensure that data integrity, technological advancements, and professional maturity move in concert toward a more efficient and compliant future.
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Ajaz Hussein, PhD

Consultant & Fmr Deputy Director Office of Pharmaceutical Science, FDA
Dr. Ajaz S. Hussain is a highly accomplished pharmaceutical scientist with adistinguished career spanning academia, industry, and regulatory affairs. Currently serving as anadvisor to technology companies, he brings expertise from extensive leadership roles. Dr.Hussain was the President... Read More →
Wednesday May 7, 2025 9:10am - 9:50am EDT
Brunswick Ballroom

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